There is nothing better than to see a kid smiling. There is nothing more important than education and knowing that every day someone has a portion of food thanks to your engagement.
With this objective #FreeSmile was born a dynamic and amusing campaign aimed to make smile as many kids as possible. From now on, when a client books a scooter with Cooltra,
he or she can add a smile to the chart without any additional cost, for each smile Cooltra will donate 0,33€ to the charity organization. In addition, with the aim of pushing more visibility to the campaign, Cooltra will put stickers with a big Smile in the mirror of scooter fleet for encouraging the users to take photos with it. For each photo shared in social networks with the hashtag #FreeSmile, Cooltra will contribute another 0.33€ to Sonrisas de Bombay.
Jordi Tomás, marketing director of Cooltra, explains that the campaign “seeks for the complicity with the clients to strengthen and consolidate the social responsibility of the company, in accordance with the philosophy we defend.”
Sonrisas de Bombay boosts a pre-primary educational project with 29 kinder gardens which will educate more than 900 kids in the most disadvantaged urban communities in India. Alfonso Alzugaray, responsible for the organization’s strategic alliances, ensures that “the annual cost of operating a nursery school in Bombay ascends around 8.200 €. The amount of money from Cooltra initiative will cover the costs of education and alimentation of as many kids as possible¨.
The cooperation with Sonrisas de Bombay Will not be finish with just this campaign, the two parties have already signed up a collaboration agreement for a year.
This is not the first time we have collaborated with a charity organization. In 2015 we launched an initiative by selling bracelets and sponsoring an X-mas Eve celebration organized by Fundación Soñar Despierto, so the kids who were born and raised in the difficult environment could enjoy the Christmas magic.
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