The world biggest pizza chain incorporates 10 Askoll scooters and 5 electric bicycles for their new venues in Czech Republic
There is a growing number of countries, cities and companies in Europe which bet on 100% electric mobility and renting for business. This is also the case of Domino’s Pizza that relies on Cooltra across Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Austria and now Czech Republic. The partnership already lasts for more than 3 years showing efficiency, undoubtful trust and ambitious market expansion.
Cooltra vehicles joined the new fleet of Domino’s Pizza in Brno, the second biggest Czech city. The new venues are exclusively dedicated to food delivery and will use the electric scooters Askoll and the electric bicycles with long-term renting contract.
Cooltra B2B business line highly valuates this deal not only by reason of the importance of the Domino’s Pizza Brand but also due to the high interest of bringing 100% electric and eco-friendly mobility to the new markets.
Very soon Cooltra foresees brining the scooter renting services to Prague with an aim of offering mobility solutions to Eastern Europe. The outstanding success in Vienna and the Brand-new Brno assures Cooltra to look for the new perspectives.
The scooter rental company was born in 2006 in Barcelona. The disruptive purpose of the business is offering efficient sustainable electric mobility on two wheels by meeting the interests of the final client.
Currently Cooltra has 17.000 scooters in the fleet and 1.000 employees. Constantly improving product and service portfolio for meeting the mobility needs of all kinds.
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