Climate change is a reality. There is concrete data to prove it, such as the fact that the average global temperature has increased by 1.1° since pre-industrial times or that sea levels have risen by 5 mm per year in the five-year period from 2014-2019. If we do not drastically cut down on our dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions, the consequences could be devastating.
There is always a more sustainable and efficient way to go about our daily lives, from first thing in the morning until we go to bed, we can live a more eco-friendly life. How? Here are a few ideas:
It may seem like it is really difficult to live a plastic-free life as there are many products that use this material. When you go shopping you can see that there are an increasing number of products that use recycled and recyclable packaging and we encourage you to choose this type of product over those with plastic packaging.
Forget about plastic bottles too, there are alternatives such as aluminium or glass bottles that can be reused, thereby cutting down on the consumption of this material.
When you go shopping for vegetables and fruit, why take a plastic bag when you can take a reusable cloth bag? It is these small gestures that will make your lifestyle more environmentally friendly.
Proximity products are those grown within a radius of no more than 100 kilometres from the point of production to the point of consumption.
When it comes to choosing a product, we should take into account different factors such as where it comes from or how it has been produced. Shopping local will not only cut down on the ecological footprint of products, it will also help the local economy and improve the lives of farmers.
For example, buying a banana from Costa Rica and transporting it to Spain to be consumed entails a significant environmental impact that could be avoided by consuming seasonal and local produce.
The Zero Waste movement aims to reduce, as much as possible, the waste and rubbish we generate on a daily basis. In this way, we not only reduce our footprint, it allows us to live with fewer material elements and lead a life that is richer in moments and experiences.
Reduce, reuse and recycle are the three most important Rs of ecology.
Before buying a new product, consider whether you really need it or not. If you do, try to make it as ecofriendly as possible, one that has been produced with the needs of the environment in mind. If we reduce our consumption, we can reduce waste generation.
When you think that the useful life of the product you have bought has come to an end, use your imagination, you may be able to give it a second life before it goes to waste.
It is extremely important to look at the way you move around. Transport is one of the main sources of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and, in turn, global warming.
Think about leaving the car in the garage and using more sustainable and shared forms of mobility.
The days of energy production from conventional sources are numbered. As the population will keep on growing, meeting the world’s energy demand would be unsustainable. Thus, reducing energy consumption is already doing a lot for the planet.
We are not always aware of how dangerous some of the products we use for cleaning can be. As well as their components, they contain toxic substances that make them difficult to recycle.
There are more ecofriendly ways to clean our homes, avoiding these types of products. One example is a mixture of vinegar, baking soda and lemon.
The “throwaway” phenomenon also reaches the world of fabric which has had a significant impact on the environment as it implies an increase in production, more resources, more manpower, etc. In short, a larger ecological footprint.
An ecofriendly attitude would entail buying sustainable clothes and generating less textile waste.
Most of the planet is made up of water, but only a small part of the entire water supply is fit for human consumption. For this reason, we must make the most of every drop of water we use. Turn off taps and showers whenever possible and use the dishwasher correctly (if you have one).
Trees are oxygen and oxygen is life, so a good tip is to create green spaces around us, from planting flowers and/or plants at home. This will reduce pollution and provide us with a number of other benefits, such as moderating extreme temperatures.
Following an eco-friendly lifestyle has benefits for your health, the economy and the environment.
Being ecofriendly involves changing simple habits that you can start incorporating into your life today. With all this information, what are you waiting for to help our planet?
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